FALMOUTH (Downtown Area)
Main Street

On-street parking is available on Main Street and Shore Street. No overnight parking. Parking is free, but limited to three (3) hours.
Peg Noonan Municipal Parking Lot
The parking lot is located off Main Street, west of the Falmouth Public Library (300 Main Street). Parking is free.
Village Green Municipal Parking Lot
The parking lot is located behind the Martha’s Vineyard Bank at 84 Main Street. The lower parking lot can be accessed from Main Street or Katherine Lee Bates Road. Do not park in the upper parking lot. Parking is free. No overnight parking.
Depot Avenue Municipal Parking Lot
The parking lot is located on Depot Avenue across from the Falmouth Station Travel Center and adjacent the Shining Sea Bikeway. Parking is free. Residents only may park overnight with a valid Beach Sticker or Disposal Area Sticker.
Mullen-Hall School (seasonal)
The parking lot is located at Mullen-Hall School (130 Katharine Lee Bates Road) and is only available when school is not in session (July and August). No overnight parking. Parking is free.
Lawrence School (seasonal)
The parking lot is located at Lawrence School (113 Lakeview Avenue) and is only available when school is not in session (July and August). No overnight parking. Parking is free.
On-street metered parking is available on Grand Avenue (south). No overnight parking. Seasonal Parking Rules may apply.
Teaticket School (seasonal)
The parking lot is located at Teaticket School (45 Maravista Avenue Extension) and is only available when school is not in session (July and August). No overnight parking. Parking is free.
On-street metered parking is available on Water Street, Luscombe Avenue, Railroad Avenue, MBL Street, and North Street. No parking 2 am to 6 am – Tow Away Zone. Seasonal Parking Rules may apply.
Public transportation is recommended, as parking is limited in Woods Hole. Please refer to the Cape Cod Transit Authority for more information. Be sure to try the WHOOSH Trolley during the summer.
How to Use an IPS Smart Parking Meter
Parking meters are located in the villages of Falmouth, Falmouth Heights, and Woods Hole
Parking meters operate every day from 8 am to 6 pm (including holidays)
Parking meters cost $1.00 per hour, or $0.25 for 15 minutes
Payment will be accepted in coins (quarters only) and credit cards (MasterCard, Visa, and Discover). An additional $1.00 administrative fee will applied for the use of a credit card. Get credit card receipts
Parking meters are for short-term parking only.
Maximum time limit of three (3) hours, at which time the vehicle must be moved.
Less than 10 ft. unobstructed lane (prohibited): “Upon any roadway where the parking of a vehicle will not leave a clear and unobstructed lane at least ten (10) feet wide in each direction for passing traffic.”
Parking Meter (expired)
Parking Meter (over three hours)
Outside a delineated parking space (prohibited): Parking a vehicle outside a delineated parking space (i.e., lines marking the front, rear, and/or sides of a parking space for one vehicle)
Upon any sidewalk (prohibited)
Upon any crosswalk (prohibited)
Within 10 ft. of a hydrant (prohibited)
Across private way or driveway (prohibited): In front of any private road or driveway.
Within 20 ft. of an intersection (prohibited): Upon any street within twenty (20) feet of an intersecting way, except alleys.
Property owners are responsible for setting and enforcing any parking rules/regulations within the private way. Refer to the Falmouth Street List to determine if a street is a public way or a private way.
No overnight parking on any street in the Town of Falmouth. Vehicles with a Handicapped Parking (HP) plate or display a Handicapped Parking (HP) Placard are not exempt from overnight parking restrictions.
Parking Meter Fees
People who have an HP plate or display placard are exempt from paying parking meter fees. However, this exemption only applies to meters, not any other type of pay to park system.
Parking Time Limits
People who have an HP plate or display placard are exempt from the time limits on a parking space, such as 15 minutes or 2 hours only, etc. However, this does not exempt HP plate or placard users from fines or towing when “No Parking” restrictions are in effect, such as snow emergencies, special events, and overnight parking bans.
Handicap Disability Placard Provisions & Penalties
Click here for more information.
A Falmouth Resident Parking Permit allows the operator to park a vehicle for free on Millfield Street, Gardiner Road, Buzzards Bay Avenue, High Street, Bell Tower Lane (church side only), and Orchard Street. Parking bans may apply. Please refer to the Applications & Licensing section for more information.
Falmouth Resident Parking Program – Rules & Regulations
OFF-SEASON PARKING RULES (November 1 – March 31)
Falmouth Heights: The first thirty (30) minutes is free for all metered parking spaces located on Grand Avenue.
Woods Hole: The first thirty (30) minutes is free for all metered parking spaces located on Luscombe Avenue, and select parking spaces on Water Street (between Woods Hole Road and the Candle House, #127).
Occasionally a “parking ban” will be imposed by the Chief of Police during snow emergencies, lawful assembly, special events, and other related events (e.g., Independence Day Fireworks Display, Falmouth Road Race, Christmas Parade, etc.).
Contact Information
The Police Department does not process parking tickets, instead please contact the Collectors Office, 59 Town Hall Square, Falmouth, MA 02540 for further information (508-495-7370).