
For non-emergencies, call 774-255-4527.

Report a Crime, Report a Problem, or Provide Feedback

Report a Crime or Incident

For all emergencies, DIAL 911. For non-emergencies call 774-255-4527.

You may also report certain crimes online. Please complete and submit this form if you desire to file an incident report. It is the policy of the Falmouth Police Dept. to investigate all incidents.

Citizen Incident Report

Fill out a Statement Form

This form is used by victims and/or witnesses to create a written statement.

Statement Form

Commend an Employee

If you would like to commend an employee of the Falmouth Police Department, please fill out this form. You may either mail it or bring it in to the Department. You may also commend an employee by writing a letter to the Chief of Police or by calling the department at 774-255-4527 and speaking with the employee’s supervisor.

Citizen Commendation Form

Report Employee Misconduct

This form should be used to report employee misconduct. If you would rather attempt to resolve this issue with the employee’s supervisor, you may contact the employee’s supervisor directly. For assistance, please contact the on-duty Shift Commander at 774-255-4527.

Citizen Complaint Form

Survey Form

If you recently had an occasion to contact one of our officers, we would like to know how you perceived the performance of the officer(s). Please click on the link above, print and fill out the form, then mail or drop the form off at the Police Station.

Citizen Survey Form